Celebrating 30 years as the nation’s most experienced developer of spine & orthopedic centers of excellence.
Prizm creates capabilities brochures that describe in detail the spine center’s expertise to referral sources, including payors, employers and case managers and how the spine center differs from all those entities that represent the problem with spine care.
Prizm also produces a 12 page Back to Life Journal for all of its spine centers that is distributed to consumers and referral sources. This journal is customized to each spine program. Prizm produces a 12 page Spinal Curves Journal that focuses on the spine center capabilities with scoliosis and spinal deformity.
Home remedy books include information about the spine center, instruction on how to use the exercise book, various exercises to help alleviate back and neck pain, other home remedies and contact information for the center.
Essentially, what the consumer wants is educational content. What makes you unique? What services do you provide? Who are the physicians? How prevalent is back and neck pain today and what methods are being employed to treat it? How long will treatment last? A brochure can answer all these questions or direct the patient to someone who will be able to give them a better perspective on their personal situation.
The pictures displayed in this website are images of physicians, patients and employees who have consented to have their pictures in this website. If you are viewing in Internet Explorer 8 or older you may need to update your browser.
Wouldn’t it be convenient if someone created a listing of spine centers of excellence across the United States that all emphasize non-surgical treatment options before surgery?
Finally, there is a place.
Centers for Artificial Disc is the only verified national listing of spine centers that specialize in artificial disc replacement surgery.